
Monday, February 27, 2006

Son ofa bitch god damn it! On saturday we went into the city and we parked Jess's car near the Carlton exhibition centre and we came back after three hours to find the car was broken into. The doors were still locked and the windows weren't smashed but somebody had stolen my mobile and Jess's purse. So yeah, needless to say, Saturday sucked. A good thing though was Alex's birthday party. We got him this funky Fossil watch with animated seconds. I had pizza :)
yey u updated!
...pizzas good

broken into car bad
There will be pizza at the housewarming lol
Yeah, I fuckin love pizza's!!!
What type do u want? and everyone, what is your preferences?
Margherita. Always margherita!!!!
and margaritas!

or, actually, maybe not.
omg meatlovers soo kicks ass over all those pizzas of marheritas!

no steve meatlovers sucks, it the mexicana thats the bomb, ok? that really does suck about jess' car
who's lu-lu?

And magereta does really well at parties too

so that settles it

is lulu invited to the housewarming?
yeah who is lulu?
Im confused and Im sure everyone else is so I'll break it down.

a) Lu-lu is an unknown factor, Lu-lu might even be a man.
lu-lu works wit me and andrew and this she is cool, but u really cant trust wat she says!


Ohhhhhh, Lu-lu is louise!!! now it all falls into place...
steve u suck, stop teasing me about it, it was an acident!!!! how could u not realise that andrew?
haha thats funny, ace said lulu was a man and she turned out to be a real person, not some internet random stalker type.

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