
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It puts the lotion on its skin.

I need to learn how to draw. Well, I'm not sure you can actually learn that sort of thing.

Anybody else seen all this crap thats happening up in Sydney the past few days? What is happening? Are we turning into America or something? Want my opinion? Both sides are stupid. Throughout history the same old bullshit has kept on happening. One group of people hating another group of people just because they're different. I say if you're going to dislike someone, dislike them for who they are within themselves, not for where they come from or what they look like.

Oh well.
thats what I've been saying for years! like this guy I've known all my life, Gordon, right? see I've known him all my life, and I hate him! I don’t hate him because he looks different, in fact we are scarily similar lookinr, the reason I hate him is he’s different within himself- you know? He’s different on the inside. See, about 2 years ago he had some teeth pulled out and from that day on it didn’t matter that he and I looked alike, he was different on the inside, I cant get past it… freak.
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