Monday, June 06, 2005
Alrighty! Thanks to the great help of Jess I can now post to my blog straight from my mobile. This amazes me quite thoroughly. I'm not sure exactly how much I can send at one time but we can soon work that out. Using this feature will mean I can now "Blog on the run", or rather "Blog on the walk". (I wouldn't recommend blogging on the run as this could lead to all sorts of injuries and pain etc.). My Jessica goes away on the 10th which is going to be a sad day for me. I've taken the day off work so I can just kick back and think about her for the rest of the day. 2 and a half months will be weird without seeing her. For the last 5 months i've seen her at least every second day. Oh well, i'll just have to deal. Anyways, onwards muchachos!