
Thursday, April 07, 2005

Two things. I have made too much pasta and my mum is a bitch. Both are out of my control at the current time. Last night Kat, Simon, Jess and I went on a picnic. At 10 p.m. It was really good. Except for the broken glass we were lying on. We had MUNCHABLES!!! Little packs with five biscuits and five pieces of cheese that you combine together to make a sort of 'cheese on biscuit' combo. on the other hand, if one were particularly swayed in such direction on could make a sort of 'biscuit on cheese' combo. Hmm, yes. And now for something completely different. Ben Folds. Tonight he's playing at the Prince of Wales. I can't wait! I've been waiting quite a while to see him play. Saturday is Gary's party which is going to be quite good. It's always fun having a party with that lot. I have to go back to school on monday, which sucks. I would rather not go back next week, I can't wait till the next holidays. Oh well, must go now. There's a tactical nuclear missile that needs diffusing. There's a certain pleasure in dealing with thermonuclear devices. Hmm, yes, quite mad. Too much pasta.
Its been a week, update your blog!
That's just what I was thinking!

Ohh, so excited about tonight! :)
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