
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Here we are at school again. It doesn't look like the teacher is going to start the class, seeing as we've been here for fifteen minutes already. I just feel like going to a pub and having a few beers. This, however, is the last thing I will be doing as I have all of two dollars in my wallet and a negative number in my bank account. Every month there is this really sucky week where both my car payment and my phone bill are direct debited from my bank account. (Alex, I know you've felt this).

Well, just as I get into it the teacher starts. Goodnight, farewell, auf weidersen thingy
Totally unemployed? Including your own business?

Oh and have your parents worked out yet that you're no longer at Subway?
Make sure you find time. You don't want to explode. :P
Hmm, I see. With uni, I assume?
this is like a chat bored
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