Monday, February 27, 2006
Son ofa bitch god damn it! On saturday we went into the city and we parked Jess's car near the Carlton exhibition centre and we came back after three hours to find the car was broken into. The doors were still locked and the windows weren't smashed but somebody had stolen my mobile and Jess's purse. So yeah, needless to say, Saturday sucked. A good thing though was Alex's birthday party. We got him this funky Fossil watch with animated seconds. I had pizza :)
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Why do weird people like to come into video stores? I'm looking at this guy that has walked up and down looking at the same shelf for half an hour. Now, you may think this is normal. I get lots of people that come in here and look around for a long time. I know it takes a while to figure out what you want to watch. This guy is getting on my nerves though. Not only is he picking up titles to have a closer look, he is also walking with them and putting the down in the wrong place. This just really pisses me off! He's moved like 15 different things! Why do that?! Dammit!